Arizona Corvette Racing 25th Anniversary!
Posted by Hunter Bennett on Feb 15, 2021 in ACR Events, ACR Members, Featured | 0 comments

Can you believe it?! It’s been 25 years since Pete Creek started the Wednesday night get together that would ultimately turn into our club, Arizona Corvette Racing! It certainly has evolved a lot over the years…just like the Corvette itself. No better proof of how things change than witnessing the all new c8 Corvette these days…when the club was started, the c5 model was just introduced! Some things never change though – ACR is still a bunch of people who love fast cars and having a good time! Our members had an opportunity to get together for the 25th year celebration at our hang-out, Native Grill and Wings, on February 10th, 2021. Check out some of the pictures from the event below: